Keluarga Kistijantoro

Saturday, November 20, 2004

wajah alisha

Alisha dan bapak
Originally uploaded by kistijantoro.

setiap ada bayi lahir, selalu muncul pertanyaan: mirip siapa? yah namanya bayi, mukanya pasti cepat berubah. Kadang mirip ibunya, kadang mirip bapaknya. Atau perpaduan dari keduanya, seperti hidungnya dari si ibu dan matanya dari si bapak dan sebagainya.

Pas alisha lahir, saya langsung teringat wajah bapak, terutama ketika dahi alisha berkerut. Tapi selang beberapa hari, alisha berubah jadi makin mirip vera.


Sekarang, saya kok melihat banyak miripnya lagi ya dengan bapak saya?

Monday, November 15, 2004

Visiting a dokter

Alisha and my parents

Originally uploaded by kistijantoro.

Four days ago, my wife was worried about Alisha. Alisha didn't eat anything for the whole day. The only nutrition that could get in were her mom's milk and some of her favourite vitamins. But other than that, she rejected. Even her favourite fruits, grapes and tomatoes were a no-no.

So, Vera took her to a 'dokter anak-anak' in Jakarta. My parents recommended this dokter as she is a specialist in child digestion problem. But it didn't take long for her to examine Alisha. Her diagnosis was an alarming one: possibly alisha refused food because there were too much dirty things that got into her mouth and digestion system (?), and she recommended to do a check on alisha's blood and faeces to get a detailed examination. She also criticised my wife for letting Alisha's weight 3 kilogram below normal (She was 8.6 kg at the time of examination).

When I heard about this, OF COURSE I was very surprised. My own opinion was this could be due to Alisha's teething problem. She got some new teeth recently, and it is possible that it caused some inconveniences to her. Or maybe because of a change of environment, from a cold, dry weather in the UK to a hot and humid climate in Indonesia. So I expect the dokter would give some advice in relation to these things. But NOT AT ALL. She looked at it from a different perspective. Alisha, and I think most babies do, likes to put any object in her mouth. Then the dokter took this habit as the source of Alisha's eating disorder. Well, she is the DOKTER anyway, and I should trust her judgement.. or shouldn't I?

At the moment, Alisha still seems like a perfectly healthy toddler. She is very active and playful. She doesn't eat a lot, but I hope it is only because of the change of climate only, not for any other serious problem.


I did some web searches and found these information:
Why is my child such a picky eater? and
My toddler won't eat
The first sentence of the first article gave me relief: "It's perfectly normal for young children to suddenly decide they hate everything — even foods they loved yesterday."

Monday, November 08, 2004

going out and going abroad




These pictures were taken about a month ago. We were about to go to the park, and we let alisha walk by herself on the street. She was so happy by that walk as she refused to be put back in the pushchair again.


Currently, Alisha and her mom are in Indonesia. And I am left alone here :(... I miss them so much...

The good news is, alisha skin problem (eczema) is gone by the time she arrived there. Maybe the weather in Indonesia is better for her. Below is her picture from there

maen perosotan
