Keluarga Kistijantoro

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

climbing challenge

chair climbing
Originally uploaded by kistijantoro.
Most children, including Alisha, have a natural inclination to climb. Once she mastered the art of climbing the sofa, she moved to another object, such as chairs and tables. Or try to climb down the sofa differently, such as from the sofa arm, or even climb up the sofa back.

One day, I got a surprise that she was able to climb into the TV table, by holding on the handle on the table to lift her body. I knew that she tried to climb that table before several times, but I didn't think that she could climb it so soon.

Now, she sometimes objects if we put on the harness on her highchair. She stands up and climbs up the highchair table, to be higher, and higher. Then she says: Huurraaayyyy..!!! (*)

note: actually, she said: "iiyyeeee", which means: "huurrayyy".. :) - editor


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